British-Born. Lives and works on the Internet.
In the digital age, where the Internet is infinite and rarity obsolete, Jamie Timms contemplates language and the imaginative space that exists between image and writing. His medium is poetry, and irrespective of being experienced online as net.art or offline as a large-scale painting, the abbreviated message is immediate yet eternal. His research interests are aesthetics, art theory, technology and the Internet as an instrument to generate new forms, deeply philosophical in nature. A PhD student in Philosophy at the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, he received his Master’s in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Bachelor’s in Fine Art from the San Francisco Art Institute. He has exhibited his work at international and national venues, including the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, Boston Center for the Arts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and Stanford University.
For more information and full biography contact [email protected]